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Video of how the self-adhesive lashes work

How to wear the self-adhesive lashes

We have introduced self-adhesive false eyelashes on the previous news, but most of people have never seen them in reality and don't know how to wear them. Today, I will give the detailed introduction and attach the wearing video, so that everyone can understand the operation steps more intuitively.

  1. Self-adhesive false eyelashes have adhesive strips, no need to apply extra glue and magic eyeliner

    self-adheive eyelashes-1.jpg

2. Each adhesive strip can be used 5-7 times, just stick it directly to the roots of our own eyelashesSelf-adhesive lashes (3).jpg

3. Each pair of eyelashes is equipped with extra strips for you to use, extending the use time of each pair of eyelashesself-adheive eyelashes-2.jpg

4. Self-adhesive false eyelashes are generally synthetic eyelashes, with different packaging optionsSelf-adhesive lashes (1).jpg



联系人:Michelle Zhang

手机:+86 19050308356

电话:+86 371 89812008


地址: 河南省郑州市高新区科学大道西悦城
